I noticed some scratch marks and faded blood stains high up on a wall. “What happened there?”“ An inmate must have tried to escape. I saw a guy use two suction devices like the ones used to carry glass sheets to help lever himself up. He reached half way before being spotted by a blue shirt.”“ What happened to him?”“ The blue shirt called a guard. He was ordered to come down, but didn’t. They shot him in the leg, he fell and later in the cell, he removed a blade from a disposable razor, slashed his left wrist then wrote a suicide note on the wall with his right hand — in his own blood. Suicide is really common in here and nobody bats an eyelid. . Simon Palmer
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More Quotes By Simon Palmer
  1. I noticed some scratch marks and faded blood stains high up on a wall. “What happened there?”“ An inmate must have tried to escape. I saw a guy use two suction devices like the ones used to carry glass sheets to help lever himself up....

  2. No sun cream or condoms, just in case you’re looking at the lady-boys. There’s plenty of AIDS lingering about and every STD you can imagine.

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